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d)  EIA/TIA 569, Table 8.2-2, stipulates a minimum
15 sq. m (150 sq. ft.) for an equipment room for buildings with
up to 100 terminals or stations.  This figure is adjustable to
customize requirements.  EIA/TIA 569, Table 9.5-2 offers minimum
equipment room size recommendations based on building gross
square footage.  Each of these tables provides suggested minimums
and it is incumbent upon the RCDD to ensure sufficient space is
made available for the equipment room to meet the initial and
growth requirements of the building.  Room ceiling clearance,
without obstructions, should be a minimum of 2.7 m (8 ft.).
Floor planning (equipment and material placement within the room)
should be premised on two elements.  The first establishes the
collocation of integrated or like functions of equipment or
systems installed in the room.  The second element considers
cable ingress and egress signal flow.  Distribution planning
should minimize cable lengths and crossovers of interconnecting
cables within the room.
Equipment Room Supplementary Design Considerations.
Structuring an equipment room involves more than floor planning
and space allocation.  It includes details such as room access
via double doors for equipment and installation material, access
to building services, e.g., elevators, hallways and loading
docks, lighting, fire protection, physical and electronic
security, HVAC, electrical requirements, and structural
Access.  Doors to an equipment room should be a minimum
1 m (36 in. ) wide, 2.5 m (80 in.) high, lockable, and open
outward.  If possible, a double door entry point is recommended.
It is important to have ready access from the equipment room to
service elevators, loading docks, and hallways to facilitate the
transportation of heavy equipment, cabinets, and racks to the
room during initial and add-on installations.
Lighting.  EIA/TIA 569, recommends a minimum lighting
specification of 540 lm (50 footcandles) measured at 1 m (3 ft.)
AFF.  Lighting should be controlled by one or more switches
located next to entry and exit door(s) to the room and equipped
with occupancy sensors if not manned full time.  Positioning of
lighting fixtures should be no less than 2.7 m (8 ft.) above the
floor and configured to provide maximum light coverage to work
areas around equipment cabinets or racks.  Too often light
fixture positioning provides the requisite light coverage for an
empty room and when cabinets or racks are installed the light
coverage is reduced.  The RCDD needs to provide equipment layout
information to the facility design engineer(s) to ensure adequate

Western Governors University

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