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Airfield Manhole Plates, NFGS-16560
AT&T Outside Plant (OSP) Construction, Safety , Tools, General,
Article 010-100-011 Rescue of Employee from Manhole
010-100-013 Rescue of Employee from Live Wire on Ground
081-215-100 Manhole Shields
081-300-100 Manhole Platform Support
081-310-103 Manhole Tent
081-520-100 Manhole Sheave
620-040-014 OSP Symbols
AT&T Outside Plant (OSP) Construction, Safety , Tools, General
620-140-501 Testing and Ventilating Manholes
620-150-010 Manhole Covers - Removing/Replacing
Boots, Electrical Hazard Protective (Men's Safety), A-A-1946 8/81
Cable Bonding and Grounding - Underground Cable in Manholes,
GTE 605-100-202
Cables, Fiber Optic, Heavy Duty, Ruggedized With Non-Metallic
Sheathing Rodent Protection, GEL Filling and Flooding
Compound (Metric), DOD-C-85045/5A
Cables, Fiber Optic, Heavy Duty, Ruggedized With Steel Sheathing
Rodent Protection, GEL Filling and Flooding Compound
(Metric), DOD-C-85045/4A
Centralized Optical Fiber Cabling Guidelines, TIA/EIA
Telecommunications Bulletin TSB72
Conduit and Conduit Fittings Plastic, Rigid, Fed. Spec. W-C-1094A
Conduit and Fittings; Non-Metallic, Rigid, Bituminized Fiber,
Laminated Wall, Fed. Spec. W-C-575B
Conduit and Fittings, Non-Metal, Rigid; Asbestos-Cement or Fire
Clay Cement, (for Electrical Purposes),
Fed. Spec. W-C-571C
Conduit and Manhole Precautions, GTE 622-025-010
Conduit and Manholes - Standard Formations, GTE 622-020-200
Conduit, Flexible, Weatherproof, and Associated Fittings,
MIL-C-24758 (SH)

Western Governors University

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