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<1> For Each Cross-Section Type: Do <2> for each cross-section type
identified on the Cross-Section Selection worksheet (see Appendix for
all worksheets).  When done, proceed to <3>.
<2> Identify Highest Minimum Requirements for Cross-Section Type. dentify the
highest minimum requirement for cross-section type across all tactics
shown on the Cross-Section Selection worksheet.  For this task, treat the
term "standard" as the lowest minimum requirement.  Enter the highest
minimum requirement in column (f), Resolved Thickness.  Proceed to <1>.
<3> For Each Frame Property: Do <4> for each frame property on the Frame
Selection worksheet.  When done, proceed to <5>.
<4> Identify Highest Minimum Requirements for Frame Property. dentify the
highest minimum requirement for frame property across all tactics shown
on the Frame Selection worksheet.  For this task, treat the term
"standard" as the lowest minimum requirement.  Enter the highest minimum
requirement in column (f), Resolved Specification.  Proceed to <3>.
<5> For Each Anchorage Property: Do <6> for each anchorage property on the
Anchorage Selection worksheet.  When done, proceed to <7>.
<6> Identify Highest Minimum Requirements for Anchorage Property. dentify the
highest minimum requirement for anchorage property across all tactics
shown on the Anchorage Selection worksheet.  For this task, treat the
term "standard" as the lowest minimum requirement.  Enter the highest
minimum requirement in column (f), Resolved Specification.  Proceed to
<7> For Each Wall Construction: Do <8> for each wall construction on the Wall
Selection worksheet.  When done, return to igure 6.
<8> Identify Highest Minimum Requirements for Wall Construction. dentify the
highest minimum requirement for wall construction across all tactics
shown on the Wall Selection worksheet.  For this task, treat the term
"standard" as the lowest minimum requirement.  Enter the highest minimum
requirement in column (f), Resolved Thickness.  Proceed to <7>.
Figure 11
Procedure Description: Selection Reconciliation Procedure
Required Information.  The following information is
required for the selection reconciliation procedure:
a) Worksheets (see Appendix B):
1)  Cross-Section Selection (CSS)
2)  Frame Selection (FS)
3)  Anchorage Selection (AS)
4)  Wall Selection (WS)
Evaluation Reconciliation Procedure.  This procedure
provides structures to reconcile differences in glazing system
component minimum requirements against ballistic, bomb, and
forced entry attacks.  Figure 12 shows the process chart for the
reconciliation procedure.  Figure 13 explains the structures in
Figure 12.

Western Governors University

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