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<1> Enter Window Coordinates. Enter
the horizontal offset, horizontal
setback, and vertical elevation
coordinates of the window relative to
charge location into columns (e), (f)
and (g), respectively, of the Safevue
Data Entry worksheet (see Appendix
<1> Enter Window
B for all worksheets). Coordinate
units are feet. Refer to Figure C-11
for spatial orientation of coordinates.
Proceed to <2>.
<2> Enter Charge Shape. Enter an "H" in
<2> Enter Charge
column (h) of the Safevue Data Entry
worksheet to specify a hemispherical
shape. Refer to the Safevue User's
Manual to apply the spherical charge
shape. Proceed to <3>.
<3> Enter
<3> Enter Explosive Type. Enter TNT as
Explosive Type
the explosive type in column (i) of the
Safevue Data Entry worksheet. Refer
to the Safevue User's Manual for
selecting other types of explosives.
<4> Enter TNT
Proceed to <4>.
Equivalent Weight
<4> Enter TNT Equivalent Weight
Factor. Leave column (j) blank if
TNT is the explosive type. Refer to
the Safevue User's Manual to use
<5> Enter
other TNT equivalent weight factors.
Explosives Weight
Proceed to <5>.
<5> Enter Explosives Weight. Enter the
charge weight in pounds into column
(k) of the Safevue Data Entry
worksheet. If this is an analysis for a
selection application, return to Figure
C-15. Otherwise, return to Figure C-
Figure C-4
Process Chart and Description:  Explosives Data Preparation Procedure
Required Information.  The following information is
required for data preparation for an algorithm:
Critical damping percent
Number of integration time steps
Probability of failure for glass
Worksheets (see Appendix B):
1)  Safevue Data Entry (SDE)

Western Governors University

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