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<1> Enter Glazing Dimensions. Enter glazing height and width in inches into
columns (b) and (c), respectively, of the Safevue Data Entry worksheet (see
Appendix B for all worksheets).  Dimensions are gasket center line to gasket
center line.  Safevue has a glazing area upper limit of 25 square feet.
Proceed to <2>.
<2> Enter Bite. Let SafeVue compute bite depth, leave column (d) blank.  Proceed
to <3>.
<3> Select Using Resisting Material: If resisting material in cross-section is
thermally tempered glass, proceed to <4>.  If resisting material in cross-
section is polycarbonate, proceed to <5>.  Otherwise, proceed to <7> for other
<4> Get Minimum Thickness of TTG. In Table C-1 use charge weight and window aspect
ratio to determine from which table to get a minimum cross-section.  Go to the
appropriate table and select a cross-section based on plate dimensions and
stand off distance.  For charge weights or aspect ratios that are outside the
ranges provided by the tables, the analyst must provide an initial thickness.
Proceed to <7>.
<5> Get Minimum Thickness of Polycarbonate. In Table C-2 use charge weight and
window aspect ratio to determine from which table to get a minimum cross-
section.  Go to the appropriate table and select a cross-section based on
plate dimensions and stand off distance.  For charge weights or aspect ratios
that are outside the ranges provided by the tables, the analyst must provide
an initial thickness.  Proceed to <7>.
<6> Determine Initial Thickness. The handbook includes minimum thickness tables for
TTG and polycarbonate.  Other materials are beyond the scope of the handbook.
The analyst must provide an initial thickness.
<7> Plate Data Preparation: Prepare data for each plate in cross-section using
Figure C-18 Return to Figure C-15
Figure C-17
Glazing Data Preparation for Selection Analysis Procedure
Table C-1
Minimum Thickness Table Selection for Thermally Tempered Glass
Aspect Ratio
Units of
Charge Weight,
lb (kg)
50 (23)
220 (100)
500 (230)
1000 (450)
Table C-3
Table C-5
Table C-7
Table C-9
Table C-4
Table C-6
Table C-8
Table C-10
Table C-11
Table C-13
Table C-15
Table C-17
Table C-12
Table C-14
Table C-16
Table C-18
Table C-19
Table C-21
Table C-23
Table C-25
Table C-20
Table C-22
Table C-24
Table C-26
Table C-27
Table C-29
Table C-31
Table C-33
Table C-28
Table C-30
Table C-32
Table C-34

Western Governors University

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