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goals.  An example would be stealing explosives to use in a
future terrorist attack.
Table D-16
Level of Usefulness to Aggressor
Level of Usefulness to Aggressor
Likelihood Rating
Asset has no usefulness to aggressor's
immediate or future goals.
Asset has minor usefulness to aggressor's
immediate or future goals.
Asset has moderate usefulness to
aggressor's immediate or future goals.
Asset has significant usefulness to
aggressor's immediate or future goals.
Asset is highly useful to aggressor's
immediate or future goals.
Asset is critical to aggressor's
immediate or future goals.
D- Usefulness for Assets with Publicity Value.  Table D-17
evaluates usefulness where aggressors are most likely to attempt
to compromise an asset because of the potential publicity its
compromise would generate.
Asset Availability.  This factor addresses the
availability of the asset or similar assets at places other than
the location under consideration.  Aggressors may be less likely
to attempt to compromise an asset in one particular location if
it is available elsewhere as well.  This is particularly true
where the asset is available off the installation.

Western Governors University

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