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features may encounter problems due to improper layout or poor usage of available
space within a ceiling cavity or utility corridor. In addition, although the A&E is not
responsible contractually for construction safety, serious life safety hazards observed
shall be included in the report. The post occupancy inspection report will include
lessons learned in providing a quality facility that meets the user's expectations as well
as identifying warranty related problems and latent defects and potential maintenance
problems. Navy criteria deficiencies shall also be noted..
At the Government's option, checking of shop drawings/submittals and other
data submitted by the construction contractor is an A&E's responsibility. The A&E
shall provide and use the shop drawing approval stamp shown in Figure 8.1 to process
shop drawing submittals.
NOTE: Shop drawings/submittals shall include all submittal descriptions
(SD) as listed in Section 01300, "Submittals" of the construction contract specifications.
Generally, all CONUS projects utilize formal quality control procedures.
Under these procedures, the contractor's quality control manager approves for
construction all shop drawings and submittals except those specifically designated in
the project specification for approval by the Contracting Officer.
Accurate, timely review of ALL submittals including operation and
maintenance data packages, is an A&E's responsibility. The sub-section entitled "Shop
Drawing Review Procedures" outlines the procedure for handling submittals on all
projects, including both those where the contractor's quality control manager is the
approving authority and those where the Government (LANTNAVFACENGCOM or
A&E firm) is the approving authority.
From the A&E view point there is no difference in the review of submittals
whether the approving authority is the Government or the contractor's quality control
manager. Since the contractor's quality control manager is approving the majority of
the submittals for construction, then distributing approved copies to the A&E and
others, these items must be reviewed promptly. It is the A&E's responsibility to
immediately advise the ROICC of problems/discrepancies encountered in contractor
approved submittals.

Western Governors University

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