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The Electrical Design Guide has been developed for use by Architect-
Engineer (A&E) firms that provide electrical design services under contract
to the Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command
(LANTNAVFACENGCOM). The information contained in this guide is not
intended to cover every situation, but is to be followed where applicable.
Situations not covered by this manual should be approached with sound
technical judgment, common sense, and with the intent of this guide in mind.
This guide will be reviewed and updated periodically; therefore, suggestions
for improvements or additions are invited. The LANTNAVFACENGCOM
point of contact is Electrical Design Branch, Code 404, Mr. P. E. Glenn, P.E.,
telephone 804-444-9904.
a. Lighting and power shall not be shown on the same floor plan, unless
the scale of the plan is 1/4" = 1'-0" or larger.
b. Provide adequate plans (including demolition, existing conditions, and
new work), legends, details, diagrams, schedules, etc. Provide
"demolition" floor plans separate and distinct from "new work" floor
plans, except where only minor demolition work is required.
c. Electrical site plans shall be separate and distinct from other utility site
plans and shall be included with the electrical drawings. However,
when project requires only minor utility work, electrical and civil site
plans may be combined. "Demolition" and "New Work" should
normally be shown on the same site plan.
d. The orientation of electrical drawings shall be in accordance with
paragraph 5.4 of the basic guide. In addition, the orientation of partial
building or site plans shall be identical to the orientation of the larger
plan from which the partial was taken.
e. When cross-referencing sheets? each reference to a detail, partial plan,
etc., shall indicate the exact title of that particular detail, partial plan,
etc. Avoid vague and ambiguous references.
Attachment A-1

Western Governors University

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