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3.11 Environmental Permits Report
Executive Order 12088, "Federal Compliance With Pollution Control Standards", as amended, requires Federal
facilities to comply with applicable Federal, State, local and interstate pollution control standards. Accordingly,
the A/E shall ensure that each project is evaluated for construction permit requirements in order to comply with
all applicable regulations governing air quality, water quality, solid waste and hazardous waste. The information
and data shall be provided by the A/E with the appropriate submittal as indicated on the "Contract Submission
Requirements List".
A report, prepared in spiral bound format, including the following:
Type of permit or variance required (construction, operation, etc.)
Permitting authority (State, local, etc.)
Procedure and time necessary to complete the permit application
Fees required
A statement that the project is covered by variances or that a permit is not required. If a
variance is required, describe procedures on how it can be obtained. If a permit is not
required, furnish reasons and supporting justification (cite State or local regulations).
For each permit required, the A/E shall evaluate all State and/or local regulations to
determine if monitoring devices are needed. Where required, monitoring devices shall be
included in the project design.
Necessary coordination shall be obtained and maintained with State and/or local permitting
agencies as required. Discussions may include the scope and details of the project, provided there
is no discussion of the fiscal year or dollar value amount involved.
The report shall be in a separately spiral bound format and delivered to the AIC/EIC, as indicated.
3.12 Fire Protection Water Flow Tests
The A/E shall perform a water flow test(s) on the existing water supply system(s) in order to determine the
adequacy of the available water supply for the expected demands. Testing shall be performed in accordance with
NFPA 13 Chapter 7, A-7-2.1, "Water Supplies". The findings shall be submitted in a format similar to that of
NFPA-13, Chapter 6, Fig A-6-2.2(d), "Hydraulic Graph". Sketches shall be provided to show location of test
hydrants, water distribution system, building location, etc. The Fire protection Water Flow Test Report shall be
provided with the submittal as indicated on the "Contract Submission Requirements List".

Western Governors University

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