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Custom Search  Drawings:  Submit the following drawings developed to an
appropriate percentage completion for this submission:
NOTE:  On small or uncomplicated projects, one or more plans may be
combined onto the same sheet, but never so that the plans will be
crowded or information unintelligible.
Floor Plans showing:
1)  Rooms/spaces with names and room numbers.
Doors (with
door swings) and windows shall be located and numbered.
2)  Location, thickness, height and types of
walls/partitions.  Show secure area construction, smoke partitions,
fire ratings, and acoustical ratings.
3)  Wall and floor openings such as shafts, stairs, steps,
elevators and ramps with pertinent dimensions and notes.
Plumbing fixture locations with handicap accessible
type noted.
5)  Accessories and equipment, such as fire extinguishers
and cabinets (see the chapter titled "Facilities Protection Design"
and consult NORTHDIV for further information), access ladders and
hatches, public phones, signage directories and built-in shelving and
equipment (see the paragraph titled "Equipment List" below).
Wall and floor expansion/crack control joints.
7)  Boundaries of floor finish material changes and floor
level transitions.
8)  Column line numbers and notations, where appropriate,
and overall dimensions.
Elevation, section and detail cross references.
10) Key plan on each floor plan sheet when the floor plan
is not contained on a single sheet.
Reflected Ceiling Plans showing:
All ceiling types and acoustical ceiling tile grid.
2)  Junctions of different ceiling finishes and ceiling
level changes.
3)  All partitions with fire walls and acoustical
partitions which extend to structure above noted.
HVAC diffusers and returns.
Light fixtures.
Access panels.
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Western Governors University

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