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minimum the following information shall be
submittals will sometimes be required by the
1) Primary and secondary electrical lines
Statement of Work (SOW), which will indicate
2) Fire alarm and communications lines
the required completion percentage (e.g., 60%
3) Transformer or substation (located by
interim submittal.) Specific submittal items will
be identified in the SOW; however, the primary
dimensions from the building or other
components will normally be drawings and
prominent feature)
4) Streets, parking area and other flood
Drawings shall include all
requirements of the 35% submittal plus
5) All other exterior electrical equipment,
additional detail to bring them to the specified
completion percentage.  See Section 11 for
such as M.G. sets, A/C units, etc.
6) In congested areas a profile of duct lines
interim specification requirements.
may be required.
c. Lighting Plans and Details:  These
The 100% Electrical Submittal shall include the
drawings shall show the building's full floor
plan (first, second, etc.) with the location and
a. 100% Drawings
number of lighting fixtures, type and size of
b.Updated Basis of Design
wiring serving these fixtures. Provide details
c. 100% Design Calculations
of all lighting fixtures used (include mounting
height and support details). Emergency, exit,
2.4.1  100%  Drawings:
The  100%
and security lighting shall be included where
submission shall include all sheets indicated for
the 35% submission plus all detail sheets
d.Power Plans and Details: These drawings
necessary to fully present the scope of the
electrical work required for the project.
shall show a building's full floor plan (first,
second, etc.) as well as any large scale plans
a. Existing Site and Demolition Plan: This
necessary to prevent overcrowding.  The
drawing  shall  include  all  existing  site
power plans should show the location of
information such as buildings, pavements and
receptacles and electrical equipment and the
utilities that affect or interface with the
type, size and location of wiring required
demolition of the electrical portions of the
throughout the facility.
project. The specifications should indicate the
e. All of the following per SODIV-TG-
disposition of demolished materials and
equipment. The limits of demolition must be
1) Power - Single Line Diagram
clearly defined, i.e., if a portion of overhead
line is to be removed, provide a detail showing
3) Telephone Riser Diagram
how the remaining portion is to be terminated.
4) Intercommunication Riser Diagram
b.Site Plan and Details: This drawing shall
5) Other Riser Diagrams for Television,
show all new and existing aboveground and
Paging, IDS, etc.
6) Panel Schedules
underground features such as buildings,
7) Switchboards  and  Motor  Control
pavements and utilities that affect or interface
with the electrical portions of the project. As a
Center Schedules

Western Governors University

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