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12.3.3 Pressure Tanks
Pressure tanks of hydraulic lifts should be thoroughly cleaned and inspected internally and
subjected to a hydrostatic test. The tank should be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure by
gradually raising the pressure until it reaches a value of 50% in excess of working pressure, but
not greater. The test pressure should be applied for at least one minute and all parts of the-tank
including seams, rivets, and fittings should be observed while under pressure. Any leaks or
evidence of impending failure should be noted. Pressure tank inspections made by licensed
boiler inspectors are not be witnessed by the elevator inspector. He should only
determine whether the required inspection has been made and that a certificate has been issued
by the boiler inspector.
12.3.4 Relief And Check Value Settings
Pressurize system, verify that relief and check valve settings are operating at specified
pressures; adjust as appropriate and install new lead seals.

Western Governors University

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