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conveyor, and where enclosure would impair the function, warning signs or personnel barriers
shall be provided, unless guarded by location.
15.3.4 En Masse Conveyors
En masse conveyors are not considered as free standing and are to be braced. Eccentric
platform loads or other lateral loads may require lateral bracing or other bracing or both.
Inspection doors or maintenance doors or both should include signs warning of possible danger if
opened or removed while conveyor is in operation. When coupling or uncoupling the en masse
conveyor line, the line shall be restrained to prevent injury through the uncontrolled travel of the
broken line.
15.3.5 Flight And Apron Conveyors - Bulk Material
Inclined apron conveyors shall be equipped with lifting blades when the conveyor inclination
exceeds the angle of slide of the design material. Flight and apron conveyors should be "jogged"
or hand run through at least one complete revolution to check clearances. Flight and apron
conveyors handling sticky materials, which tend to build up, must be kept clean for operation.
15.3.6 Incline Reciprocating Conveyors
Means shall be provided to prevent hazard to personnel in the event of mechanical or electrical
failure. The carrier must be equipped with backstop devices sufficient to stop and to hold the
carrier and load. Overtravel devices shall be provided where necessary to minimize potential
for injury to personnel. Riding the conveyor shall be forbidden to all personnel. warning signs to
this effect shall be prominently posted at each point of access and each point of operation. The
conveyor shall be guarded so as to prevent injury. The conveyor housing should be equipped
with doors or equivalent devices at each manual loading and unloading station, interlocked so
that they can be opened only when the carrier has stopped at that level and the carrier cannot be
moved until they are closed. Conveyors automatically receiving or discharging objects should
have a similar device or should be guarded by a suitable enclosure extending on all sides a safe
distance from the path of the carrier. Where the application requires that personnel walk onto the
carrier to load or unload, the carrier shall be provided with standard railings, with snap chains
across the operating ends or equivalent. Controls must be located so they cannot be actuated by a
person on the carrier. This is done to prevent a person from riding.

Western Governors University

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