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TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
ing impractical. Another consideration is that the
Normal test equipment and safety equipment
should already be available as a part of the electri-
battery is not available to serve its load during a
capacity test, requiring a system protective shut-
cal maintenance equipment. The use of safety
down or provision of a redundant/replacement bat-
equipment to protect personnel is mandatory; it
tery. For these reasons, voltage and specific gravity
should be available to maintenance personnel at all
times. Periodically, recalibrate all devices as neces-
tests are used to periodically monitor the battery
condition. Recognize that these readings indicate
sary. A number of new instruments are available
state-of-charge, but do not indicate the capacity of
which can continuously monitor a battery. These
the battery.
are often provided for systems serving very critical
loads. One final caution is that instruments in-
(1) Use of capacity tests. The results of the ca-
serted into electrolyte should not be used for differ-
pacity test can be used to determine the need for a
ent battery types. For example, a hydrometer used
replacement battery. Battery test sets are currently
on a lead-antimony battery should never be used on
available from a number of manufacturers, or the
a lead-calcium or a nickel-cadmium battery. This
user can fabricate a load bank (sometimes actual
cross use of equipment will cause cell contamina-
loads can be used). Three types of battery capacity
tests are described in the standards: acceptance,
performance, and service tests. Of these, the last
Table 14-2. Suggested test accessory list for battery maintenance
two are required for normal maintenance testing.
(2) Comparison of results. It is important to
compare the results to prior test data to establish a
Battery capacity test set.
trend. Battery capacity may be less than 100 per-
Battery conductance tester
cent of nameplate rating during the first few years
Battery lifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of operation, unless 100 percent capacity at delivery
Metering of dc (located on the battery charger).
was required by the purchase specification. The ca-
H y d r o m e t e r set...............................
pacity of a new battery (normally 90 to 95 percent of
Portable infrared temperature measuring device
nameplate) will rise to its rated value after several
Terminal protective grease.
charge-discharge cycles or after several years of
Thermometer set
float operation.
Torque wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chemical-resistant gloves.
b. Test equipment. Test equipment used in bat-
Goggles and face shield.
tery maintenance is described in table 14-2. Special
Protective aprons or suits and shoes.
equipment may be available or may be rented, de-
Rubber matting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
pendent upon the site's maintenance capabilities.
14-9. Battery charging precautions.
(7) Avoid the wearing of metallic objects such
as jewelry.
Batteries are normally connected to their perma-
(8) Neutrali ze static buildup just before work-
nent charging equipment, but there may be occa-
ing on batteries by making contact with the nearest
sions where testing or charging of new batteries
effectively grounded surface.
requires connection to a test-shop charging device.
(9) Remove vent plugs from cells only to take
a. All charging. The following precautions will
readings or add water.
always be taken:
(10) Ensure that there are no unintentional
(1) Use tools with insulated handles.
b. Test-shop charging. Use only direct-current
(2) Prohibit smoking and open flames, and
equipment having the proper voltage. Connect the
keep possible arcing devices removed from the im-
positive terminal of the charging circuit to the posi-
mediate vicinity of the battery.
tive terminal of the battery and the negative termi-
(3) Ensure that the load test leads are con-
nal to the negative terminal.
nected with suficient cable length to prevent acci-
dental arcing in the vicinity of the battery.
14-10. Battery charging considerations.
(4) Ensure that all connections to load test
The most desirable situation is for the battery to be
equipment include short-circuit protection.
operating fully charged. The approximate state of
(5) Ensure that battery area ventilation is op-
battery charge can be determined by the amount of
charging current going into the battery if the con-
(6) Ensure unobstructed egress from the bat-
nected- load is constant. Initially, the charging cur-
tery area.
rent, read at the charging ammeter, is a combina-

Western Governors University

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