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to mitigate the accumulation of water and 2) eliminating the use of caulking
materials around the collar which has proven to be ineffective in preventing
the entrance of water into the sleeve. Additionally, caulking impedes air
flow thus slowing the evaporation and drying process.
1.3.2 Chamfering (High-Band Pole Butts).
Improper or inap-
propriate chamfering of pole butts to sufficiently reduce the butt diameters
so they will fit often exposes untreated wood beneath the treated zone to
excessive moisture. Rarely are these butt sections retreated with preserv-
ative before being placed in the sleeves. Even when untreated wood is not
exposed while chamfering, the accumulation of water in sleeves at the bases
of poles should be avoided. The gradual necking down of the pole butt
(Figure 1-2) increases the opportunity for water to flow into the support
sleeve and creates a favorable environment for the growth of decay fungi.
A much better approach is the abrupt necking down of the pole butt (Figure
1-3) which provides a lip that extends over the metal sleeve and prevents
the majority of water from entering into the sleeve. This procedure should
be mandatory.
Since chamfering of treated poles often
results in reduced service life due to
decay, necking down or chamfering
requirements should be detailed in the
procurement specifications to require
the producer to make these alterations
prior to pressure treatment!
1.4.1 Introduction. Periodic and thorough inspections of wood com-
ponent structures is vital to maximize their service life or to determine their
requirements for repair modification or upgrading. Inspections provide
knowledge of the structure and its components, the loadings to which it is
subjected, the quality of the materials involved and their condition, and the
effectiveness of fasteners and other hardware. All must be known in order
to evaluate the ability of a structure to perform its intended function, and
to determine the maintenance procedures necessary to restore it to its
original function.

Western Governors University

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