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ment. This is why it is important to specify "white wood" inspection of
treated products to be purchased. Remedial Treatment.
Preservatives are classified as
pesticides and are therefore included
within the provisions of PL 92-516,
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act, as amended. As such,
records on the use of wood
preservatives must be maintained.
Groundline or Bandage Treatment. Groundline brush or bandage treat-
ments are very effective in controlling surface decay in the outer shell of
poles at and below groundline. With these treatments, the soil is excavated
from the bases of poles to a depth of approximately two feet. The exposed
surface of poles then are checked for decay and, if present, the decayed
wood is removed using a sharpened shovel. Next a bandage wrap is
fastened around the below-grade portions of the poles or preservative is
applied directly to the pole surface and covered with a water-impervious
wrap such as polyethylene that is fastened tightly to the poles. The wrap
should not be damaged as the backfill is being replaced.
Before treatment, the surface to be treated should be cleaned of any
decayed or loose wood, No more sound wood than necessary should be
removed. All debris should be removed from the excavated area around
the pole.
NAVFAC Specification TS-20312 (Maintenance of Wooden Utility Poles)
is a specification for groundline treatment and should be used as a guide
for developing a contract specification.
Internal Void Treatment. Liquid preservatives or fumigants may be used to
control decay and insect attack within the central core of poles. These
treatments require drilling holes into the decayed areas and placing the
preservatives or fumigants in the holes, The holes are capped following
Internal void treatment with liquids is most successful on cedar and other
woods that develop well defined rot pockets and where the transition from

Western Governors University

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