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eliminating need for PMI. Certain types of low cost, non-mission equipment such as
fractional horsepower motors, window unit air conditioners (except for filter changes),
water coolers, household refrigerators with sealed units, and automatic door closers may
be replaced or repaired at time of breakdown more economically than under the PMI
Program. Replacement items which are part of "vital" operating equipment should be
stocked, or readily available at breakdown. Self Help programs, particularly in Family
Housing and barracks, should be used to the fullest extent for PMI type work. It is im-
perative, however, that Public Works coordinate all work. The decision to PM one
piece of equipment does not mean all like items require PMI.  Environmental condi-
tions, equipment age and usage vary between common equipment at the same activity
and among activities. Proper scheduling permits orderly and efficient accomplishment
of PMI. Similar equipment in the same general area of the base should be scheduled for
PM consecutively. A single master schedule can be used if all PMI is performed by one
Work Center. If more than one Work Center performs PMI, it is advantageous to
prepare a schedule for each Work Center, to permit labor requirements leveling.
5.5 HANDLING MAJOR DEFICIENCIES. Equipment breakdowns discovered during
PMI should be reported immediately to the supervisor or Work Reception Desk. Work
beyond the scope of the PMI work authorization (usually major repairs and overhauls)
should be recorded on a Control Inspection Report (Detailed Deficiency List) and for-
warded to the Work Generation Branch via the Inspector's Supervisor (and Utilities
Division if utilities equipment). The craftsman should include a priority, i.e., immedi-
ate, one year, etc. for correction of major deficiencies.
5.6 SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS. When management commits to establishing a PMI
Program they must also commit resources to install and operate the Program. Initial
PMI planning and estimating (P&E) requires approximately 12 P&E hours for each
piece of major equipment of which 4 hours is for writing work orders and preparing the
PMI schedule. Maintaining the PMI function requires approximately 1 P&E hour per
150 shop hours of PMI work authorized (or contract equivalent). This is needed to up-
date work authorizations annually. In addition, a minimum of 160 hours are needed to
review PMI program effectiveness, 1 hour per 50 items of PMI inventory to update in-
ventory and adjust PMI requirements, and 1 hour per 50 PMI Reports to review
Reports and coordinate actions needed to correct reported deficiencies.
5.7 PROGRAM ANALYSIS. Analysis of the PMI Program should be conducted routine-
ly and especially prior to renewing work authorization. The analysis must question:
n Is all key equipment covered under PMI and is the level of service
n Can the PMI frequency be reduced without impact?
n How does equipment replacement cost compare to annual PMI cost?

Western Governors University

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