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A. Research
B. Inspection
C. Estimating
D. Analyzing
E. Summarizing
G. Prioritizing
Research is the review of facility or building folders to determine what has transpired
since the last inspection. Emergency service requests, job orders, military construction
and special projects including shore facility planning documents, engineering studies,
and contracts are reviewed prior to inspecting the facility. Research provides the inspec-
tor with a good picture of recurring problems, and an updated status since the last in-
The Inspection of scheduled facilities is conducted by a team of inspectors. The
inspector's on-site inspection also includes a review of installed equipment. The inspec-
tor documents equipment serial and model numbers, and notes condition and numbers
of installed facility components and systems. The collection of this information is valu-
able when preparing special projects for equipment replacement and alteration and in
preparation of preventive maintenance schedules. The initial preparation of the equip-
ment and system inventory is time consuming. It is recommended that inspectors update
facility inventories every three to five years. Planners and estimators should update
equipment inventories as changes occur. Exhibit-1 provides LRMP inspection effort by
type and size facility.
The Estimate to correct deficiencies is accurate within 10 percent. Long range main-
tenance planning uses estimating techniques that provide material lists and labor es-
timates. LRMP estimates are based on engineered performance standards.
The Inspector Analyzes inspection deficiencies using such criteria as facility age, history
of repairs, existing condition and impact to mission if failure occurs. Analysis of inspec-
tion reports provides the Facility Manager a good indication of condition and helps in
priority assessment. The summarization of inspection recommendations and report
backup into a format for analysis provides the LINK between management and inspec-
The Evaluation of inspector recommendations are guided by repair/replacement "main-
tenance free" scenarios, energy efficient, and state of the art replacements.
Appendix G-2

Western Governors University

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