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3.1 SCOPE.  This chapter discusses segregation and collection of waste oil,
centralized storage, treatment, quality control, and delivery to the boiler
plant.  The specifics will vary with each shore activity.* Therefore, only
general discussions for each type of source are included. Fuel analyses in
terms of physical/chemical constraints and tests for evaluation of the
waste oil are prescribed.  Blending and viscosity control of the waste oil
are described to provide insight into necessary operational changes,
modifications to existing equipment, and additional equipment required.
Unique maintenance and operational requirements that may be encountered are
discussed, and recommendations regarding recordkeeping for documentation of
future waste oil burning experience are provided..
3.2 SEGREGATION.  Presence of caustic, acidic, and halogenated compounds in
waste oils may cause corrosion to fuel system components and produce
combustion products which are harmful to the boiler and which may pollute
the environment.  Such compounds may come from detergents, industrial
wastes, solvents, cleaning fluids, synthetics, etc.  Proper segregation not
only will minimize the possible hazards due to undesirable contaminants but
also lessen the effort and cost of treating the waste oil.
The segregation at the source of wastes nonburnable as boiler fuels is
relatively simple.  Oil products that must be segregated are listed in
Appendix D.  The identification and separate collection of nonburnable
products at shore industrial areas and shops are within the control of the
activity and can be accomplished through indoctrination of personnel and by
providing facilities that make segregation easy. The segregation of those
wastes aboard ship before they enter the bilge is not within the control of
the shore activity, but there are steps that can be taken to improve the
quality of the waste pumped ashore.
3.2.1 Ship Waste Oil Segregation.  Segregation is not applicable to the
oily wastewater pumped from bilges.  Any undesirable contaminants present
in that waste will have to be accepted and, once the waste is dewatered,
testing must determine if the waste oil is suitable for burning. In most
cases, nonburnable type wastes in the oil will be so diluted by quantity
that no problems will be encountered with burning. Nevertheless, if the
hazardous oil products in use aboard ships can be identified and publicized
and the ships prevailed upon to segregate such wastes and move them ashore
separately, the quality of the waste oil will be improved.  Waste oils
brought ashore in properly labeled drum/containers can be segregated at
the source if the products are identified ahead of time and containers
*Waste oil is burned at many Navy activities.
Contacts for these activities
are listed in Appendix F.

Western Governors University

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