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Wheelcha ir Acc ess.  Wheelchairs for the physically
handicapped usually create the greatest accessibility problems
for historic structures.  Large buildings often have main
entrances with elegant doorways that are approached by monumental
stairways.  Even modest houses are usually reached by several
steps.  Often, these stairs are steep, and doorways are narrow
and cannot be adapted for wheelchair traffic without harming the
architectural character of the building.  Inside the building,
hallways and interior doors may be too narrow.  There may be no
elevators, and floor surfaces may be too rough to allow
wheelchairs to move easily.  Portable, temporary ramps might
solve the problem, or other, more accessible entrances to the
building might be used instead.
Toilet Facilities.  Modern, fully usable and accessible
toilet facilities, drinking fountains, and telephones should be
provided for every person using the building.  Sometimes these
requirements can be met with just one private, fully equipped
lavatory for use by both women and men.
Other Impairments.  Other categories of disability include
partial mobility impairment, such as the use of braces or
crutches; inability to climb stairs or steep paths; and partial
or total blindness or deafness.
For Further Information:
U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.
Accommodation of Disabled Visitors at Historic Sites in the
National Park System.  Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1983.
Stephen A. Kliment. Into the Mainstream, A Syllabus for a
Barrier-Free Environment.  Washington, D.C.:  The Rehabilitation
Services Administration, HEW, and the American Institute of
Architects, 1975.
buildings sometimes have to be mothballed; that is placed in
reserve for future use.  Or they may suffer damage or potential
damage that cannot be fully handled immediately, perhaps as a
result of a hurricane, a fire, or an unexpected structural
failure.  These situations call for temporary measures to secure
the building until permanent arrangements for repair or
rehabilitation can be made.  Since these "temporary" measures may
have to last for years but may have to be done very quickly, they
must be carefully planned in advance so that they can be carried
out efficiently without causing further harm to the building.
3.5.1 Mothballing Maintenance Considerations.  Check NAVFAC
MO-300, Inactivation. Caretaker Maintenance, Closure and
Reactivation of Shore Facilities, for mothballing steps.  A few
critical items are:

Western Governors University

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