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CASE CC2 - Contractual Dispute-Light Pole, M. Yachnis
Problem:  Contractual dispute on flood lighting pole section at Naval Academy,
Annapolis, Maryland.
Collection of Facts:  Specification calls for a tubular section for a flood
lighting pole.  Drawings were shown a tubular pipe section. Contractor
provided an octagonal section which met the specifications.
Solution:  Be careful that there is a complete agreement between plans and
CASE CC3 - Substitution for Design Requirements, J. V. Tyrrell
Improper substitution for design requirements.
Collection of Facts:  This problem is one that is continually repeated when
field personnel approve substitutions without first checking with the
designer.  One instance involved a 1.5 million gallon water sphere indicated
at the Naval Oceangraphic Research Station, Lewis, Del.  The design gave
approximate dimensions and specified the section modulus and moment of inertia
of the stem.  A manufacturer proposed a substitution using a smaller diameter
stem which provided a section modulus very close to that specified but a
moment of inertia considerably less.  The substitution was accepted by the
ROICC.  The construction was substantially completed and the system was being
tested when a hurricane passed close to the activity. When the main force of
the stem was about 1 hour from the activity, the ROICC called to report that
the sphere was swaying as much as 15 feet and wanted to know if he should
attempt to empty it.  He was told to clear the area and hope for the best.
Fortunately, the structure survived and has been in operation for over 20
Solution:  Many cases do not have a happy ending like the one cited. Field
personnel should not approve any substantial changes in design without
consulting the designer.  Often it is not apparent that the chance is
"substantial", therefore it is advisable to contact the designer about change
whenever possible.  For a MCON project, the contact should be with the EIC at
the NAVFAC Engineering Field Division.

Western Governors University

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