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combustible construction, or if large amounts of combustible material are
contained in the space.  Most of these areas will be classified as light
hazard but some, such as auditoriums and classrooms, may be classified as
ordinary hazard. Wet-pipe sprinkler systems are normally required.
Electronic Equipment Areas, The classification of the hazard
depends on the type of equipment in the space and its other contents. The
degree of fire protection required depends on the value of the equipment and
its importance to the mission of the facility.  Incidental electronic gear of
comparatively small value does not require special treatment.  Essential
electronic systems installed in special buildings, rooms, areas, or
environments, and where the value is high, require special treatment as
described in MIL-HDBK-1008A and below:
Classification of Hazard.  MIL-HDBK-1008A classifies all
occupancies in accordance with the amount of combustibles and flammable
liquids contained in the space and cites specific examples for each
Fire Protection Systems.  Systems appropriate for electronic
facilities include wet-pipe sprinkler systems, dry-pipe pre-action sprinkler
systems, carbon dioxide (CO,) systems, halon systems and portable dry chemical
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.
See Section 5 for specific
HVAC System Interlocks.  Specific requirements are given in NFPA
9OA. Both MIL-HDBK-1008A and NFPA 90A indicate that, unless a specially
designed smoke exhaust system is provided, HVAC equipment should be de-
energized upon receipt of a fire or smoke alarm.

Western Governors University

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