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![]() MIL-HDBK-1012/1
Section 7: SAFETY
General. The presence of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) at
transmitter sites poses potential hazards to personnel, including direct
exposure to EMR, shock and burns, and detonation of fuel and ordnance. The
presence of transmitting and receiving structures at communication sites poses
potential hazards to aircraft. SPAWAR normally will identify and analyze
these hazards during site selection, and will be responsible for planning site
layout to eliminate or avoid them. The project BESEP will identify any
protective measures required. The designer must be aware of the hazards
associated with these facilities, and, during the normal phases of design,
shall bring them to the attention of the agency responsible for the design.
Other hazards associated with electronic facilities include electrical shock,
electrical fire, toxic and explosive gases from batteries, ozone from corona
discharge and noise from teletypes and cooling fans. Facilities must include
adequate electrical isolation, insulation, fire protection, ventilation, and
acoustical absorption to provide a safe and healthful environment.
Human Engineering. The designer must consider safety not only in
relation to operator functions and accessibility for maintenance and repair,
but also in relation to physical layout for traffic, interface with other
equipment, and environmental factors, such as lighting, temperature, and
humidity. The basic references are MIL-STD-882, System Safety Program
Requirements, and MIL-STD-1472, Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military
Systems. Equipment and Facilities.
Hazards to Personnel. RF radiation can be harmful if the body
absorbs radiated energy and physical contact with induced voltages can result
in shock or RF burns.
Absorbed Radiation
a) Personnel exposure limits to RF radiation are defined in
OPNAVNOTE 5100, Ser 45/5U394867 of 30 July 1985, Personnel Protection Policy
exposed to a power density which, when averaged over any O.1-hour period,
exceeds those values listed in Table 3 in the frequency domain of 10 kHz - 300
GHz. Neither the root mean squared electric field strength (E) nor the root
mean squared magnetic field strength (H) may exceed those values when averaged
over any O.1-hour period (refer to Table 3).
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