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Change 1, 30 November 1996
Section 1:
Responsibilities. The DOD construction agency responsible
for the construction of facilities is either the United States Army
Corps of Engineers or NAVFACENGCOM, as assigned within the respective
geographic areas by the Office of the Secretary of Defense. DOD
directives 5136.10, Defense Medical Support Activity and 6015.16, DOD
Policies for Planning Fixed Military Health Facilities provide
additional information. Telecommunications support for MILCON
projects is outlined in MIL-HDBK-1190, Facility Planning and Design
Guide. This handbook addresses only the requirements for
telecommunications pathways and cabling necessary to support voice,
data, and video systems permanently installed in the facility. Other
systems, such as security, fire alarms, and environmental monitoring,
which are not addressed here, also have similar cabling requirements.
The designer should consult with the electrical and security
designers to consider joint use pathways, where economically
feasible. In general the construction agency is responsible for
providing inside and outside cabling and support structures
(pathways) necessary to provide a complete and usable
telecommunications distribution system. The handbook contains
planning, design, and installation criteria. Parametric cost
estimating software is provided on the CCB system optional cost
databases identified as TELECOM. This software currently provides
cost data for the interior building cabling, backbone cabling, and
pathways to the closest maintenance hole connection. This handbook
does not address an evaluation or expansion of the outside plant or
central switching and routing systems.
Scope. As shown in the flowchart in Figure 1, given only
the square footage per floor of the proposed facility and its
function or functional areas, the estimator should be able to
quantify and estimate the cost of the following telecommunications
cabling items:
a) The maximum number of generic workstations per floor
which the facility will support;