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conform to EIA TIA 568 recommendations.  However, the RCDD should
be aware that should existing workstations remain in the
building, they will require balanced/unbalanced (BALUN) impedance
matching devices to match the unbalanced coaxial cable network
interface card (NIC) to the 100 ohm balanced UTP cable.  There
may also be instances where advanced technology, such as wireless
LANs, may provide a simpler or interim solution to engineering
problem associated with building refurbishment.  It is
recommended that the RCDD research these alternative solutions
prior to deciding which telecommunications system is best suited
for the project.
Methodology.  The communications cabling that supports
voice, data, and video distribution throughout the building, and
in some cases interfaces with a campus backbone, is an integral
part of the design and construction process.  The proper estimate
of construction costs and allocation of floor and ceiling space
depends upon the ability of the RCDD to determine the answers to
typical questions such as:
How many voice and data outlets will be required in
each area?
How will users in open bay areas be served?
How many cables of each type will be run to each
d)  What type of horizontal distribution pathways
should be used?  (Should cables be run in the floor or in the
e)  Are cable runs too close to sources of
Where conduit is used, what size should it be?
g)  Where should the telecommunications closets be
located and what size should they be?
h)  What is the size and quantity of vertical and
entrance ducts?

Western Governors University

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