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EXAMPLE TWO (Continued)
B.  Feeder Ducts.  For estimating purposes a standard feeder duct
of 50 sq. cm (8 sq. in.) may be allotted for each 80 sq. m
(800 sq. ft.) of usable floor space (typical area feeder duct
will service).
Number of feeder ducts = usable floor space divided
by 800 sq. ft.
Number of feeder ducts = usable floor space =
800 sq. ft.
If the usable floor space is 10,000 sq. ft. then:
Quantity of feeder ducts = 10,000 sq. ft.
800 sq. ft.
= 12.5
round up to = 13
(b)  Total length of feeder ducts = number of
feeder ducts times their average length (distribution
area width/4 or 2).
(1)  For a centrally located telecommunications
closet, divide the width of the distribution zone by 4 and
multiply by the number of feeder ducts required:
Total length of feeder duct = (width) x no. of ducts

Western Governors University

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