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EIA/TIA 568 identifies two authorized pin-outs for
eight-pin modular jacks; 568A and 568B.  FIPS 174 specifies that
the 568A pin-out will be used.  There are Government procurement
contracts remaining in force that provide 568B pin-outs on their
materials.  Figure 15 provides 568A and 568B pin-outs.  The
pin-out pattern of the patch panel (568A or 568B) must match the
pin-out pattern of the jack; if not connectivity will be
disrupted (open pairs).  The station end of the cable shall be
punched down on the modular jack using the proper displacement
tool to avoid damaging the cable insulation.  At the
telecommunications closet cables will be neatly routed to the
patch panel and connected to the panel using the proper
displacement tool.
Fiber Optic Terminations.  The fiber optic 568SC
connector is required for new construction projects.  Activities
currently using ST type connectors may continue doing so.
At the wall outlet a minimum of two fibers will be
terminated in a 568SC duplex adapter.  The fibers will be grouped
in pairs and designated "A" and "B."  The fibers are to be
unidirectional, one send and one receive.  At the far end the
pair will be crossed-over.  The fiber designated at the wall jack
as "A" will be designated at the other end as "B."  See Figure 6.
Testing shall be accomplished in accordance
with EIA/TIA 568.
CAT 3 and 5 Testing.  General tests for opens, shorts,
grounds, and cable mapping (pin-out) shall be performed on UTP
and shielded twisted pair (STP) cables.  CAT 5 links shall be
tested in accordance with EIA TSB-67, Field Testing of Unshielded
Twisted-Pair Cabling Systems for attenuation and NEXT.  The RCDD
will review printed test results to ensure compliance with the
applicable standard.  Precise cable lengths may be measured using
a time domain reflectometer (TDR).  Fiber Optic Testing.  Fiber optic cables will be reel
tested prior to installation.  Reel testing consists of using a
light source and meter, a launch cable, and mechanical splices.
This test demonstrates continuity and loss associated with the
fiber strands.  The test technician will compare measurements
with reel configuration data sheet provided by the manufacturer.
Any anomalies (opens, kinks, etc.,) should result in rejection of
the fiber optic cable prior to installation.
installation each fiber strand shall be tested in one direction
at either 850 nm or 1300 nm using a calibrated light source and

Western Governors University

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