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light coverage of working areas. Emergency lighting and exit
signs should be installed to accommodate emergency egress from
the room.
Fire and Security. Fire protection should be in
accordance with local codes. As a minimum, at least two CO2 or
dry chemical portable fire extinguishers should be located in the
room. One should be located near the entry and exit doors and
the other near a high traffic area in the room. Physical
security of the space should include lockable doors. Additional
security considerations such as key card or cipher lock entry
should be at the discretion of the claimant organization. Refer
to MIL-HDBK-1008B, Fire Protection for Facilities Engineering,
Design and Construction for fire protection requirements.
Equipment Room Environmental Considerations. The
equipment room should be environmentally stable 24 hours a day,
365 days a year. The RCDD is not usually required to develop
detailed engineering design or installation cost estimates for
electrical or HVAC services. The RCDD should, however, provide
the equipment and room requirements to the electrical and HVAC
engineers for inclusion in the overall service design. The
equipment specification and configuration data established by
par. must be provided to the HVAC and electrical
engineers to ensure adequate sizing of air handling or heating
units and power availability. Temperature and humidity controls
should be located within the equipment room. In most cases,
equipment specifications will identify environmental requirements
for optimum performance results. However, if individual
equipment or systems data is not available then EIA/TIA 569,
par. suggests the following standards:
Temperature Range:
Low - 18 degrees C/64 degrees F
High - 24 degrees C/75 degrees F
Humidity Range:
Low - 30 percent
High - 55 percent
Ambient temperature and humidity measurements should be
performed at a level of 1.7 m (5 ft.) above the floor, along a
centerline between equipment, and with all equipment operating.
If batteries are required, ensure adequate ventilation in
accordance with OSHA regulations and local codes.
Equipment Room Electrical Considerations. The
equipment room should be provided with its own electrical service
panel and isolated ground. When backup power is available within
the building, a separate service panel connected to the backup
power should be provided in the equipment room. Electrical