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RCDD should verify floor loading capacities with the structural
engineer.  EIA/TIA 569 recommends 250 lb/sq. ft. for distributed
weight load and 1000 lb/sq. ft. for concentrated load.  Carpeting
for access floor covers or concrete floors is not recommended
because of the potential for dust and static buildup.
Walls.  Equipment room walls should be concrete or
drywall mounted to 103 mm (4 in.) studs.  To support wall-mounted
electronic equipment or cable management systems (termination
blocks, D rings, etc.,) an A-C plywood backboard must be mounted
to the wall.  The backboard should be a minimum 21 mm (3/4 in.)
thick.  It should be attached to walls with 10 mm by 78 mm
(3/8 in. by 3 in.) toggle bolts or 10 mm (3/8 in.) drop-in
anchors with 10 mm by 388 mm (3/8 in. by 1-1/4 in.) bolts with
fender washers.  The plywood should be painted with two coats of
light colored fire retardant paint.  Care should be taken not to
paint over the fire rating stamp.  EIA/ TIA 569 recommends a
minimum of two walls be covered with plywood 8 feet high.
EIA/TIA 569, Table 9.5-1 provides minimum recommended wall space
based on building gross floor space.  For equipment rooms
occupied by personnel for extended periods on a daily basis,
provision of a sound absorbing wall covering should be
considered.  Wall colors should be light in color and hue to
enhance room lighting.
Cable Management Support.  The volume and types of
cables to be routed within an equipment room significantly affect
the RCDD's selection of cable management support structures.
Almost all the various methods for cable routing within the
building (tray, access floors, wall mounting, etc.,) are
applicable to the equipment room.  Descriptions of the various
methods are provided in par. 1.5 of this handbook.  The equipment
room must accommodate vertical, horizontal, and external backbone
and distribution cables and support structures.  It is
recommended that like cables be grouped by function, voice, data,
and fiber optic.  When it is cost prohibitive to install an
access floor, the room should have a matrixed tray distribution
design to ensure maximum flexibility of cable routing in an
organized manner.
Telecommunications Grounding and Protection.  The RCDD
is also responsible for designing the single-point ground system
within and between the telecommunications closets in accordance
with EIA/TIA 607.  The variety of grounding requirements
associated with the installation of a telecommunications system
within a building are founded on two principles.  The first is to
provide personnel and equipment protection from electrical surges
or transient voltages due to external sources such as lightning,
equipment failures, shorts, power inductance, etc.  The second

Western Governors University

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