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etc., which could provide concealment for an intruder.  In addition to
security, interior and exterior clear zones provide a 50-foot (15.2-m) wide
fire break along the security fence line.
As a minimum, a 30-foot (9-m) interior clear zone will be
established inside of the fence line.  When possible, a larger interior clear
zone should be provided to preclude or minimize damage from thrown objects
such as incendiaries or bombs.
An exterior clear zone of at least 20 feet (6.1 m) or greater will
be established outside of the fence line. To accomplish this, the fence must
be placed a minimum of 20 feet (6.1 m) inside the facility property line. As
an exception for perimeter barriers along station property lines, OPNAVINST
5530.14B allows utility poles, signboards, and trees limbs to be in a
perimeter clear area as long as these elements are greater than 14 feet (4.3
m) from the perimeter barrier and provided these elements do not obstruct the
visibility of the guards.  The designer may be required to stagger the
perimeter barrier so that the minimum distance between these elements and the
security fence is 14 feet (4.3 m) or more.  Otherwise these elements must be
At some activities it may not be feasible, practical, or even
possible to provide the required minimal clear zones due to various reasons
such as lack of Government controlled property, previous construction
encroaching the required clear area, etc.  In these cases, OPNAVINST 5530.14B
requires that compensatory measures and procedures be employed.  Construction
of any security or perimeter fence that does not provide the minimum clear
zones cited above must receive prior approval by an exception as set forth in
OPNAVINST 5530.14B.  As an alternative when the exterior 20-foot (6.1-m) clear
zone cannot be established on Government controlled property, local property
owners should be approached to obtain permission to clear and maintain the
clear zone outside of the fence.
At nuclear sites, clear areas will extend 30 feet (9.1 m) outside
the outer fence line, the entire area between the fences, and 30 feet (9.1 m)
inside the inner fence line.  These clear areas will be free of all obstacles,
topographical features, and visual obstructions including trees, electrical
and telephone poles or junction boxes, steam pipes, fire hydrants, etc.,
exceeding 8 inches (203.2 mm) high.
Patrol Roads.  When the patrolled perimeter barrier encloses an
area generally greater than 1 square mile (2.6 square kilometers (km)), an
interior perimeter road in all areas not affected by impassable terrain
features must be provided for use by security patrols. Patrol roads that pass
through clear areas must be designed to preclude concealment for intruders.
Drainage culverts passing under the road in clear zones must be secured at all
openings as described herein for drainage and culverts under fences.  Drainage
ditches along the side of patrol roads shall be designed utilizing shallow or

Western Governors University

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