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![]() MIL-HDBK-1013/1A
For Asset Category, Determine Whether Threat Ingress or Egress
Denial Must be Provided by the Security System. In the case of a forced
entry or covert entry threat, a security system can be designed to operate in
the following modes of operation:
Ingress Denial. Unauthorized persons are prevented from
entering (or destroying) some exclusion region containing the assets at risk.
Egress Denial. Unauthorized persons (or weapons effects) are
prevented from exiting some containment zone with the assets.
Depending upon the assets, one or both of the above security operational
modes may be used. For example, security for arms, ammunition, and
explosives assets may require ingress denial to assure that an intruder never
gains access to the weapons because of the potential engagement advantage the
weapons provide, or because of political embarrassment. On the other hand
egress denial may be more appropriate for property-type assets when the
objective is theft and not sabotage. In this case allowance can be made for
intruder ingress and egress from the facility to achieve a more
cost-effective design. Table 5 provides a checklist of suggested security
system operating modes by category types.
Establishing Guard Force Operating Procedures and Response Times
Purpose. The guard force operating procedures and related response
times are important factors in the operation of an integrated security
system. They control the amount of delay that must be designed into the
barriers and other elements of the security system. Paragraph 3.2 discusses
in detail an integrated security system design that includes the proper
choice of: (1) site and building layout and barrier hardening to delay the
intruder, (2) access control at points of entry, (3) intrusion detection
sensors and alarm to detect an attack on or within the facility, (4) CCTV or
guards to assess whether an alarm is actually a threat, and (5) guards to
respond to the location of a real threat. All these elements are equally
important. None of them can be eliminated or compromised if an effective
security system is to be achieved. Detection encompassing intrusion
detection and entry control is an important element since any delay offered
by a barrier can eventually be penetrated, and without detection the response
force would not be alerted. The delay offered by the site and building
design must provide sufficient time after detection for threat assessment and
guard force response. In this regard, DoD 5200.8-R is very explicit in
requiring adequate
"... response, through the use of designated, trained and
properly equipped security forces. Detection and delay
must provide sufficient warning and protection to the
asset until the response force can be expected to arrive
at the scene."
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