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* 1.  Eliminate potential hiding places near the facility.
* 2.  Provide unobstructed view around the facility.
* 3.  Site facility within view of other occupied facilities on
* 4.  Locate assets stored on site outside of the facility within view of
occupied rooms of the facility.
* 5.  Minimize need for signage or other indications of asset location .
* 6.  Minimize exterior signage which may indicate location of assets.
* 7.  Provide adequate facility separation from installation boundary.
* 8.  Eliminate lines of approach perpendicular to building.
* 9.  Minimize vehicle access points.
* 10. Eliminate parking beneath facilities.
* 11. Locate parking as far from facility as practical.
* 12. Illuminate building exterior or exterior sites where assets are
* 13. Secure access to power/heat plants, gas mains, water supplies,
electrical service.
* 14. Locate public parking areas within view of occupied rooms on
* 15. Locate construction staging areas away from asset locations.
* 16. Site facility away from vantage points.
* 17. Locate the facility away from natural or manmade vantage points.
Figure 11
Checklist of Minimum Site Work Protective Consideration
Collocate Facilities of Similar Asset Criticality On Site.  Where
possible, facilities with assets subject to similar risk should be collocated
on the site as shown in Figure 12.  Similar security measures can be
implemented for these areas having a similar risk.  If it can be achieved,
collocation reduces costs and improves security effectiveness and efficiency.

Western Governors University

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