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The ECP shown in Figure 25 represents an entry control arrangement
for a restricted area securing critical nuclear weapon components but having
a low volume of assigned personnel and minimal visitor traffic to access
daily.  Direct straight-in vehicle access is impeded by a sharp curve and
passive vehicle barriers to lessen the possible success of a high-speed
vehicle attack.  Personnel must pass through turnstiles on foot, one at a
time to access the restricted area.  Vehicles are processed and inspected in
a sally-port gate and personnel turnstiles are paired in-line with the
direction of entry so that one must be closed and locked before the other of
the pair may be opened.  Gate opening and locking system overrides must be
provided for emergency vehicles.  All opening/locking/emergency controls are
contained within the ECP building.
Types of Entry Control Systems
Overview.  The generic types of systems used to identify and
control personnel and materials include:  manual, machine-aided manual, and
automated systems.  Manual systems employ guards to control access based on
authorization criteria.  Machine-aided manual systems utilize entry control
equipment to assist the guard in making decisions to allow or deny access.
Automated systems allow personnel to enter and exit without guard
intervention unless an alarm occurs.  Automated access control that takes
advantage of microprocessor technology and recent advances in coded
credentials are  increasingly used.  The employee badge is now the primary
access authorization means and the central processor provides alarm display,
control, and related system integration functions.  A number of badge
technologies are available, and described in NAVFAC DM 13.02.  A variety of
access control systems are

Western Governors University

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