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necessary, at external locations.  Another possible option is to equip
security personnel with hand-held radios.
Security Control Center.  A security control center is a
continuously manned facility serving one or more of the following functions:
Alarm annunciation, display, and control.
Centralized control and communications for base, installation,
or facility security operations.
Quarters for security alert guard force.
Monitoring of a remote entry control or surveillance system,
such as closed circuit television, electronic locking devices
and systems, and similar systems.
Control of entry to restricted area.
Housing, storage, or parking for guard force support equipment
including arms, ammunition, portable communications and
observation equipment, and vehicles.
Depending on the size of a facility or installation, the security control
center can vary from an assigned and physically isolated area within a
building to a structure designed and constructed especially for the purpose.
These facilities must also be protected against a possible attack.

Western Governors University

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