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barriers where the timeline starts at the first point of intrusion detection.
If the building is surrounded by a fence or other exterior site-related
barrier having an exterior IDS (see Section 4), the fence is the first layer
of defense followed by the exterior of the building and any interior rooms,
vaults, or containers. If there is no exterior fence IDS, the timeline
starts with the first building barrier preceded by an interior IDS that can
detect the intruder before penetration of this barrier occurs. In order to
be effective, each separate element (i.e., exterior and interior walls, roof,
floor, door, etc.) must offer an equivalent or balanced penetration delay
time with no weak links. Paragraph 5.5 provides choices and barrier
penetration delay times for new construction; par. 5.6 does so for retrofit
Building Access Control
Introduction. This section summarizes information regarding
methods for controlling access of personnel and materials at the entrance to
buildings to protect against covert threats. Data sources containing
building access control design details are contained in the following
sources. The reader is referred there for details.
NAVFAC Design Manual 13.02, Commercial Intrusion Detection
Systems, September, 1986.
SAND 87-1927, Entry-Control Systems Technology Transfer
Manual, DOE/Sandia National Laboratory.
CEGS 16752, Electronic Entry Control Systems, U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers Guide Specification, April 1991.
TM-5-853-4, Security Engineering Electronic Security Systems
Manual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, February 1993.
Function and Location. The function of building access control is
to ensure that personnel and materials entering the building have the proper
authorization to do so. Control points are typically located at building
entry points. Access controls also complement the role of interior intrusion
detection systems. Often, intrusion detectors must be deactivated and placed
in a nondetecting mode during normal working hours. During these periods,
access controls provide a means to prevent unauthorized persons from entering
a protected facility. An intrusion detection system using interior detectors
will generally detect any unauthorized person who stays behind after working
hours. Access control also restricts free access to those persons whose
intent may be to tamper with intrusion detection system components or
circuits. Maintaining the effectiveness of access control and intruder
detection requires the complementary function of screening personnel for
security clearances.