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NAVFAC Design Manual 13.02, Commercial Intrusion Detection
Systems,  September 1986.
Manual TM-5-853-4, Security Engineering, Electronic Security
Systems, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
SAND 89-1924, Video Assessment Technology Transfer Manual,
DOE/Sandia National Laboratory.
ESE-SIT-0001, Siting Criteria for Standardized Electronic
Security Equipment, Air Force, March 1991.
Function and Location.  CCTV systems are normally deployed on or
within buildings and consist of a television camera, monitor, and electrical
circuitry.  When an alarm occurs, a CCTV may be triggered automatically or
alternatively by personnel at the control center to determine whether
response forces should be dispatched to the alarmed area.  The following
summarizes the functions and typical deployment locations of the CCTV.
Threat Assessment.  As an alarm assessment system, CCTVs are
designed to respond manually or automatically upon receipt of IDS alarms at
the Security Center.  A properly integrated assessment CCTV system provides a
rapid and cost-effective method for determining the cause of intrusion alarms
and assessing the threat (see pars. 2.4.1 and 2.4.3).  It allows such
evaluations to be made from physically remote locations.  Recorders can be
used to record alarm events for assessment at a later time.
Surveillance.  CCTVs can also be used for surveillance.  As a
surveillance system, CCTVs are typically designed to be used at the
discretion of and under control of the Security Center console operator.
Location.  CCTV cameras may be mounted on building exterior
walls or roofs to observe outside surfaces.  They may also be located at
entrances to secure areas to aid access control or within building interior
spaces for threat assessment.
Minimum Requirements.  Minimum DoD requirements for CCTV apply
primarily to exterior site perimeter deployment rather than on building
exteriors or within interiors.  These requirements are described in par. 4.6.
Available Technology.  The reader is also referred to par. 4.6 for
a summary of available CCTV technology.

Western Governors University

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