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Table 15
Security Risk Categories (DoD 5100.76-M)
* Class(a)*
* Ammunition & Explosives
*  Cat. I * Not Applicable.
* Explosive rounds for non-nuclear
* missiles and rockets in ready-to-fire
* configuration.  Non-nuclear missiles
* and rockets in a ready-to-fire
* configuration.
* Cat. II * Light automatic weapons * Grenades, high explosives, and white
* up to and including
* phosphorus; mines, antitank, and
* 0.50 caliber (12.7 mm). * antipersonnel (unpacked weight of 100
* pounds (45 kg) or less); explosives
* used in demolition operation; explosive *
* rounds for missiles and rockets other
* than Category I (unpacked weight of 100 *
* pounds (45 kg) or less).
* Cat. III* Launch tube and
* Ammunition, 0.50 caliber (12.7 mm) and  *
* gripstock for Stinger;  * larger, rocket and missile warheads
* launch tube excluding
* with explosive-filled projectile with
* the 4.2-inch; grenade
* unpacked weight of 100 pounds (45 kg)
* launchers; rocket and
* or less); grenades, incendiary and
* missile launchers
* grenade fuzes; blasting caps;
* (unpacked weight of 100 * detonating cords; supplementary
* pounds (45 kg) or
* charges; bulk explosives.
* less); flame throwers;  *
* launcher, missile
* guidance, and/or
* optical sight for TOW.  *
* Cat. IV * Shoulder-fired weapons  * Ammunition with nonexplosive
* other than grenade
* projectiles (unpacked weight of 100
* launchers; handguns;
* pounds (45 kg) or less); fuzes (except  *
* recoilless rifles up to * grenade fuzes, Category III); grenades, *
* and including
* illumination, smoke and practice, CS/CN *
* 3.6 inches (90 mm).
* (tear producing); incendiary
* destroyers; riot control agents (100-
* pound (45-kg) package or less);
* ammunition for arms not otherwise
* categorized.
(a) As a general rule only arms, missiles, rockets, explosive rounds, mines,
projectiles, etc., which have an unpacked unit weight less than 100
pounds (45 kg) or less are classified.

Western Governors University

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