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Table 25
Personnel Door Panel/Edge Details, Low Security
1-Minute Penetration Delay Time
* Size
* 3 feet by 80 inches by 1-3/4 inches (0.9 m by *
* 2 m by 44 mm)
* Applicable Specifications* Hollow Metal Manufacturer's Association
* (HMMA) 862-87, 810-87
* Type A, full-flush with continuous welded-
* Type
* edge seams. Design F, full-panel flush door. *
* Panel
* Steel-stiffened.
* Face Sheet
* 16-gauge (1.5-mm) steel
* Stiffeners
* Hat section, 16-gauge (1.5-mm) steel; maximum *
* distance between stiffeners 4 inches (100 mm) *
* on center
* Edge Construction
* 14-gauge (1.9-mm) steel channel, recessed.
* Special Features
* Not Applicable
Table 26
Personnel Door Frame Details, Low Security
1-Minute Penetration Delay Time
* Applicable
* Construct per HMMA 820-87 & 862-87 except as
* Specifications
* noted.
* Frame Design
* Single door, butt-type, double-rabbet type; 14-
* gauge (1.9-mm) steel, fully welded.
* Jamb Depth
* 4 inches (100 mm)
* Special Features
* See Figure 36 for hinge side protection.
* Frame Installation
* Install per HMMA 840-87, 820-87.
* Hardware Preparation * Prepare hardware per HMMA 830-87. Frame is to be *
* built into a wood-stud frame wall.