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Protection Levels for New Construction.  In the Army Security
Engineering Manual there are three levels of protection to which facilities
can be hardened: a low level in which damage is unreparable; a medium level
in which the damage can be repaired; and a high level in which the facility
suffers only superficial damage.
Protection Levels Existing Structures.  The Navy Terrorist Vehicle
Bomb Survivability Manual describes two levels of protection for existing
structures:  Rebuild or Repair.  These are provided for charge weights from 1
to 4,000 pounds (0.45 to 1,800 kg) and standoff distances from 1 to 1,000
feet (0.3 to 300 m) for 12 different building types intended to be
representative of facilities used by the Armed Services worldwide.  Examples
are provided in par.

Western Governors University

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