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Munk, Robert P., Physical Security Threats to be Reflected in the Design of
Naval Shore Facilities. P-00001; N62474-79-C-5444, Science Applications,
Inc., La Jolla, CA, 1980.
Munk, Robert P., Study of Forced Entry Resistant Doors and Other Barriers for
Openings into Secure Structures - Final Report: Barriers for Secure Structure
Penetrations. CR 80.008, Science Applications, Inc., La Jolla, CA, 1980.
Munk, Robert P., Study of Forced Entry Resistant Doors and Other Barriers for
Openings into Secure Structures - Final Report: Intermediate Size Doors for
Secure Structures. CR 80.007, Science Applications, Inc., La Jolla, CA, 1980.
Munk, Robert P., Waine, Donald, Study of Forced Entry Resistant Doors and
DESMAT Code Incorporating a Flyer Plate Attack Model, MRC-N-839.  Mission
Research Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA.
Naval Pier Lighting Criteria, MRC-N-871.
Mission Research Corporation, Santa
Barbara, CA.
Odello, Robert J., Attack Resistant Walls - Explosive Tests, N-1510.
Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, 1977.
Other Barriers for Openings into Secure Structures - Final Report: Ordnance
Structure Doors. CR 80.009, Science Applications, Inc., La Jolla, CA, 1980.
Patton, James B.; Wenzel, Alex B., Testing and Evaluation of Attack
Resistance and Hardening Retrofits of Marine Barrack Construction Types to
Small Arms Multiple Impact Threat. CR 80-025, Southwest Research Institute,
San Antonio, TX, 1980.
Pereira, P. E., Dodge Construction System Costs 1981. McGraw Hill Information
Systems Company, New York, NY, 1980.
Phase I Final Report - Integrated Ballistic Casualty Reduction and Protection
Model, MRC-COM-R-91-283(R1).  Mission Research Corporation, Santa Barbara,
Pier Lighting Requirements Test Program Final Report, MRC-R-1235.
Research Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA.
Pietrzak, L. M.; Caldwell, J. D.; Chamberlin, J.; Hawxhurst, J. P.; Sjovold,
A., A Physical Security Requirements Assessment Methodology Definition,
Feasibility, Assessment, and Development Plan. MRC-R-651, Mission Research
Corporation, Santa Barbara, CA, Sep 1981.
Pietrzak, L. M., Improving Structural Barrier Attack Resistance for Physical
Security--Identification of Applicable Scientific Theories and Mathematical
Models, prepared for Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA,
Mission Research Corporation, Apr 1982.

Western Governors University

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