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Section 5:
Function. Helicopter landing areas include helicopter operational
areas, helicopter practice pads, helipads, and helicopter runways. They are
used for landing and takeoff, parking, and training incident to rotary-wing
aircraft operations. See NAVFAC P-80.3, Appendix E, Airfield Safety Clearances,
for typical helicopter airfield layouts and clearance requirements.
Common Criteria.
The following criteria are common to all helicopter
landing areas:
Pavement Type. Select pavement type, rigid or flexible, based on
criteria stated in NAVFAC MIL-HDBK-1021/2. All pavement shall be resistant to
rotor blast.
Wheel Loads and Tire Pressures. Design for wheel loads and tire
pressures as prescribed in NAVFAC MIL-HDBK-1021/2.
Identification Marker. For standard helicopter landing area
identification marker and its location, see NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2.
Wind Indicator. Provide day and night wind indicator, Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) AC 150/5345-27, Specification for Wind Cone Assemblies or
in accordance with NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2.
Clearance Surface Intersection. Where airspace clearance surfaces
intersect those of an adjacent runway, apply the most critical criteria.
Helicopter Practice Pads. A helicopter practice pad is designed for
takeoff, landing, and maneuvering of rotary-wing aircraft for training purposes.
The practice pad shall be constructed in an area which allows pilot training
without interference with main base traffic. The pad shall consist of three
helicopter runways arranged in triangular configuration to best fit terrain,
airspace, and wind condition. For criteria, see Table 6 and Figure 16.
Helicopter Runways. A separate helicopter runway is constructed where
site conditions, aircraft traffic density, or other operational problems require
separation of rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft operations. A paved runway
with stabilized shoulders is required and, if necessary for adequate wind
coverage, a secondary runway shall be provided. A helicopter runway designated
for IFR use shall have airspace clearances similar to that shown for IFR helipad
in NAVFAC P-80.3, Appendix E, Airfield Safety Clearances. The ground position
indicator designated for the runway is 75 feet from the runway end. See
Section 2 for orientation criteria. For design criteria, see Table 7. For
typical VFR and IFR runway details, see Figures 17 and 18.