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Bulkheads vs. Quaywalls.  If a harbor is properly sited, protected,
and designed, the contained berthing facilities will not be exposed to
excessive wave action.  Modern bulkhead construction techniques have extended
their applicability into areas that, in the past, required quaywall
installation.  As such, bulkheads have virtually eliminated the necessity for
quaywalls in most harbors.  However, there remain situations for which
bulkheads are inappropriate.  The maximum wall height that can be
realistically accommodated by bulkhead construction is approximately 40 ft
(12.1 m).  Therefore, whenever the combination of dredge depth and backfill
freeboard approaches or exceeds this general limitation, quaywall construction
should be considered.  Also, not all harbors are sited or protected adequately
to preclude the possibility of moderate to severe wave attack.  At these
sites, quaywalls remain the most viable solution wheve a combination of
berthing and shore protection is required.

Western Governors University

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