- Radio Frequency Shielded Enclosures
- Abstract
- Foreword
- Contents
- Contents -Cont.
- Contents -Cont.
- List of Figures
- Section 1: Introduction
- Maintenance Authority
- Principal Data Sources
- Naval Shore Electronics Criteria Handbooks
- Section 2: Basic Eletromagnetic Interference
- Shielding Effectiveness Level
- Antenna Emissions
- Shielding Material Characteristics
- Shielding Material Characteristics -Cont.
- Penetrations
- Door Penetrations
- Effect of Construction on Door Shielding
- Figure 1. RF Door and Wall Seam Type Cross-Section
- Door Closure/Seal Comparisons
- Figure 2. Preferred Waveguide Air Vent Filter
- Piping and Conduit Penetrations
- Figure 3. Typical TEMPST Pipe Penetration, Bolted and Welded Enclosure
- Figure 4. Single Skin Bolted Enclosure Penetration Panel
- Figure 5. Waveguide Fluid Attenuator Insert,Tempest Piping Penetrations
- Figure 6. RF Bolted Floor Crain Penetration with Attenuator Insert
- Structural Penetrations
- Figure 7. RF Shielding of Interior Steel Column Penetration
- Figure 8. RF Shielding, Interior Reinforced Concrete Column Penetration
- Figure 9. RF Shielding, Exterior Concrete Column
- EMI Filters for Electrical Conductors
- Figure 10. TEMPEST Required Filter Insertion Loss
- EMI Filters for Signal Circuits
- Figure 11. TEMPEST Signal Filter Attenuation Requirements
- Insertion Loss Measurements of Electrical Filters
- Facility Grounding System
- Signal Reference Ground Subsystem
- Figure 12. High Frequency Grounding,Using Raised Flooring as an Equipotential Plane
- TEMPEST Shielding Requirements
- Figure 13 Low Frequency and Power Grounding Within a Shielded Enclosure
- Figure 14. Single Entry Ground Stud Penetration in a Bolted Plate Assembly
- Bolted, Modular Shielded Enclosures
- Figure 15. TEMPEST Required Shielding Effectiveness
- Figure 16. Welded RF Shielding of Wall Section
- Figure 17. RF Wall Shielding, Seam Detail
- Figure 18. RF Shielding,Wall Ceiling Section
- Figure 19. RF Shielding, Vault Ceiling to Interior Wall Section
- Figure 20. RF Shielding,Sliding Door Frame Section
- Figure 21. RF Shielding,Interior Wall-Floor Intersection with Electrical Isolation Underlayment
- Figure 22. RF Shielding, Interior Wall-Floor Intersection on Tubular Frame
- Figure 23. RF Shielding of Floor-Wall Intersection with Overlap Seams
- Large Welded Structures
- Figure 24. RF Shielding, Floor Layout
- Figure 25. RF Shielding ,Roof Layout with Metal Decking
- Figure 26. Anchoring of Steel Floor Plates with Electrical Isolation
- Mesh Gaskets
- Fingerstrips
- Section 3: Planning Phase
- Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel (HERP)
- Base Electronic System Engineering Plan (BESEP)
- Welded Enclosures
- Section 4: Design Phase
- Vestibule/Threshold Protection
- Mechanical Design
- Design Allocations for Filter
- Shielding Effectiveness Leak Detection System (SELDS)
- Testing After Shielding Completion
- Testing Before Finish is Installed
- Review of Drawings
- Section 5: Construction Phase
- Supervision of Construction
- Foundations and Ceilings
- Leak Detection Systems
- Bibloiography
- References
- References -Cont.
- List of Acronyms
- List of Acronyms -Cont.
- Glossary of Terms
- Glossary of Terms -Cont.
- Glossary of Terms -Cont.
- Glossary of Terms -Cont.
- Glossary of Terms -Cont.
- Glossary of Terms -Cont.
- Glossary of Terms -Cont.
Radio Frequency Shielded Enclosures
