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Section 1:
Background. Since 1973, the U. S. Navy has been involved in the
aero-thermo and acoustic design of dry-cooled jet runup facilities.
Initially, this involved only complete aircraft runup facilities (hush-house);
but more recently engine test cells have been included. After construction,
troubleshooting tests will be performed on a number of runup facilities as
well as model-scale tests. The data from the model- and full-scale checkout
tests constitute a significant source of design information. Consequently,
this handbook was developed to summarize the results of all Navy runup
facility tests. The tests can be subdivided as follows:
Full-scale tests:
(1) post-construction facility checkout
(2) diagnostic tests (troubleshooting)
Model-scale tests:
(1) general (design) data
(2) configuration verification
Full-Scale Test Emphasis. In this handbook the main emphasis is on
full-scale test results with model-scale results presented for comparison.
Table 1 contains a comprehensive definition of symbols pertinent to hush-house