It is the responsibility of the A&E to be fully cognizant of the contractual
requirements of the schedule of performance. A report shall be provided to the PM once
a month for all task orders in the contract (A&E may report separately or all on one
report). Suggested format of the report is contained at the end of this section.
Any available information relative to existing conditions at the site of the construction
will be furnished to the A&E who (unless fee negotiations establish otherwise) s hall
evaluate and verify such information and make field measurements and investigations as
necessary to prepare adequate construction drawings and specifications. When the
exposure of existing subsurface construction is considered necessary, the A&E shal l
accomplish this work at his own expense after coordinating with the PM. The A&E shall
contact the PM and obtain approval to dig, probe, sample or drill in order to avoid injury
or damage from encountering active utilities.
The A&E shall m ake all field surveys required for design and preparation of
construction documents. In general, this may consist of topographic site surveys,
alignment, profiles and cross sections. A sufficient number of semi -permanent survey
points to serve as initial horizontal and vertical survey controls for construction of the
project shall be set. The horizontal control points and benchmarks shall be shown and
described on the plans. The datum used shall be that used for the station or area in
question and shall be shown on the appropriate site drawings. The surveying firm shall
obtain from the PM the benchmark or datum location to be used for the project design.
That datum shall be confirmed in writing. Failure to comply with this requirement may
be cause for survey/design rework at no additional cost to the Government. Boundary
surveys to be used as instruments for real estate purposes shall carry the seal of a licensed
land surveyor acceptable to the political subdivision in question.
The A&E is required to take soil borings and evaluate subsurface conditions in all
cases where the Contracting Officer and A&E determine that soil explorations and
laboratory soil test data are necessary, i.e., when adequate data is not available in Cherry
Point's files. Include soil borings in project drawings. Include a note to bidders listing
what subsurface information is available (i.e., test results, interpretations,
recommendations, etc.) and that the information may be examined at FED. The A&E
shall analyze and interpret all necessary information concerning foundation soil
conditions and shall include, in the preparation of specifications and drawings, complete
and specific coverage of procedures for foundation construction and for handling unusual
subsurface conditions. Soil explorations and tests should conform to the essential
requirements outlined in NAVFAC Design Manual DM -7, Soil Mechanics and Earth