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construction materials. For these reasons, Cherry Poi nt will review carefully the
proposed design cross sections on all major airfield paving projects.
b. State general soil conditions with a brief outline of soil exploration and testing
c. Identify design wheel loading, type of aircraft, any abnormal operating conditions.
d. Identify type of pavement; bituminous, concrete, reinforced, etc.
e. Note deviations from Naval Air Systems Command planning standards with
reasons therefor.
f. Describe method of handling storm drainage.
g. State type of lighting to be provided. Evaluate adequacy of existing runway and
taxiway regulator capacities.
a. Dust and erosion control, where deemed necessary, will be considered an integral
part of all design and construct ion projects. Such controls will be generally limited to
areas actually scarred or denuded in the process of constructing a project. Dust and
erosion control will not be confused with landscaping. The 35% submittal will contain
the necessary design data , outline specifications, and costs for dust and erosion control
measures where applicable. The Basis of Design will include a statement regarding the
type of treatment selected, affecting areas, and reasons for selection of type and
determination of area s.
b. Erosion Control Plan for projects in North Carolina - An Erosion Control Plan
(ECP) must be filed with the Department of Environmental Management (DEM), Land
Quality Section, Wilmington or Washington, North Carolina for projects, which disturb
more than one acre of land. The ECP should be filed with the State at the Pre -final
design stage. The A&E shall forward the ECP application along with the appropriate
application fee to the PM for final review, signature and submission to the State. Permit
fees shall be included in the A&E's contract Appendix A. The A&E of record is
responsible for coordinating with DEM and obtaining written approval for the ECP.
Cathodic Protection (CP) is required for all underground or submerged structures on
which corrosion may have severe environmental or structural effects or significant
economic impact.
a. Types of structures for which the installation of CP and protective coatings is
required by Federal Regulations include, but may not be limited to:

Western Governors University

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