The current version of Military Bulletin 34 (MIL -BUL-34) (previously NAVFAC P-
34) lists all current Federal and Military Specifications and industry and technical society
specifications commonly used in Navy construction & repair work and which are
referenced in N AVFAC guide specifications, residing on the CD -R. It is also available
from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19111 -5094. It is essential that the A&E become thoroughly familiar
with existing design c riteria and publications that are referenced in the guide
specifications before they are referenced in the project specifications. Before actually
referencing one of these specifications, the following points should be resolved:
a. Does the amount of material and the nature of the project justify referencing the
publications and testing required therein (particularly for materials on which such tests
are not common)?
b. Do the referenced publications cover material of a quality and type suitable for
the service required?
In referencing publications, the following rules should be followed:
a. Do not copy portions of publications in the project specifications, except where
applicable portions are short in length and remainder of the publications do es not apply to
the specific project. In this case, do not list or reference the publication in the project
b. Use the current version of the publication and avoid reference to specific
paragraphs in the publication unless the paragraphs referenced are the only portions of
the publication that are applicable to the specific project.
c. Avoid repeated references to a publication within the same section.
d. Read carefully all Notes on the Use of the Publication.
e. Specify types, classes, weights, and similar applicable characteristics required
to ensure accurate description.
From time to time requests are made to consider the use of materials, which are
comparatively new. The fact that a material is new should not necessarily bar its use,
provided it has been thoroughly investigated. Neither should previous use place a
material in an approved category. Usually, service records of new materials do not exist.
It is necessary, therefore, to base judgments upon laboratory tests. Such tests, in order to
be accepted as authoritative, should be made by impartial qualified laboratories. Tests
conducted by laboratories employed by manufacturers do not always show possible