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c. When a submittal cannot be reviewed within two weeks, the ROICC must be advise d of
the estimated date of review completion.
d. Mail Cherry Point's submittal copies to the address shown, ATTN: Code SUB.
To the extent negotiated in the design contract or task orde r, preparation of OMSI manuals
is an A&E responsibility.
OMSI manuals are developed during construction of a facility to provide the Activity with
clear, comprehensive data needed to safely and efficiently operate and maintain the actual
products and systems built into a facility. The principal OMSI elements, which may be
included in the manuals, are:
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Overall system configuration and operation
System flow diagrams
Start-up, normal operation and sh utdown procedures
Normal operating temperatures, pressures, flow rates, etc.
Emergency operating and safety instructions
Preventive maintenance plan and schedule
Troubleshooting guide and diagnostic techniques
Repair and maintenance procedures, including spare parts, special tools and test
* Environmental considerations
* Training plan, staffing requirements and personnel qualifications
* Removal and replacement instructions
Operating Manual
System design discussion
Procedures for normal start-up, operation and shutdown in manual and
automatic modes
Floor plans and schematic diagrams for flow, piping and instrumentation
Control set points and calibration requirements
Procedures for abnormal/alternate operational modes
User Manual
As-built record of product and O&M data, indexed by specification,
location section
Basic descriptive data on facility; basis of design
Single line floor plans

Western Governors University

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