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Date 12/20/99
Point of contact at Cherry Point regarding these standards is Phil Fisher at (252) 466 -4714.
Specific Civil Engineering Specification Standards
The purpose of Civil Engineering Specification Standards is to list the desired standards for
materia ls and construction desired by the Civil Division, FED, MCAS, Cherry Point, NC.
Cost data and contractors are listed where available. By SPEC Section, the changes are as
0110 Location of Underground Facilities
Paragraph 1.3 Location of Undergr ound Facilities: Should read "It shall be the responsibility...
Do not continue with excavations or installation of new work without resolving elevation
discrepancies and conflicts."
01140 Work Restrictions
Roadway paving contracts. Add a special sectio n to address restrictions and scheduling.
Reference specification 979615 for a sample. Modify and tailor to fit project.
Airfield contracts. Add a special section to address work restrictions and scheduling.
Reference specification 967855 and 986254 fo r a sample. Modify and tailor to fit project.
01560 Environmental Protection
Rubbish and household garbage shall be disposed of daily by the contractor, outside the limits
of the Air Station at the contractor's expense in compliance with all local appli cable
regulations. Local location for dumping is Craven County Landfill at Tuscarora . As an
exception - use local Air Station garbage containers upon PM's approval. Also see Section
02220 Site Demolition
Excess materials shall be disposed of ou tside the limits of the Air Station at the Contractor's
expense in compliance with all local applicable regulations. The exception is to dispose of
certain soils and broken pavements where indicated by the PM.
02231 Clearing and Grubbing
Excess materials shall be disposed of outside the limits of the Air Station at the Contractor's
expense in compliance with all local applicable regulations. Local location for dumping is
C&D landfill in Havelock .