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Planting Season for Centipede Sod: 1 March to 31 October
Seed Rate: Spring and Fall
4 lbs / 1000 SF
Temporary Seeding
10 lbs / 1000 SF
Lime Rate
20 lbs / 1000 SF
Fertilizer Rate
23 lbs / 1000 SF
02976 Pavement Membrane Layers
1. Unless otherwise approved, use a geotextile fabric separation between stone and subgrade
soils for civil works.
2. Rubber & Paint Removal: Do n ot specify 100% removal of paint or rubber. Different sites
will require different pressures for the removal process (due to age of deposits, type of
pavement and deposits, etc.). A 3000 -psi pressure will likely not remove sufficiently. A 5000
to 8000 psi is required to remove rubber. Limit pressure to 5000 psi or less if necessary to
prevent damage to pavements (70% to 90% removal rates expected at that pressure). Greater
than 5000 psi will likely damage asphalt pavement. Greater than 8000 psi will lik ely damage
concrete pavement. Rubber removal at Cherry Point is a reasonable expectation. Cost
expectation 1999 is $0.50 to $1.25 per SF.
03300 Concrete
1. For routine projects, use 4000 psi in lieu of 3000 psi. per ASTM C94. Cost at local plant is
Structural: ASCE7 wind load is 130 mph (do not use NC Code of 110 mph). Bolts and Rebar
available in metric sizes. Siesmic Zone 0 according to NC Code.
3. Civil Design Requirements
Surveys: Unless approved otherwise, projects shall use State Plane coordinates, NAD83 for
horizontal control and USGS vertical control, NGVD88 . Exceptions on a case by case basis
for insignificant and small projects, projects may use a local control such as a project specific
base line along a road centerlin e, etc. and a local TBM. For ease of construction layout, small
projects may also locate new features from existing permanent features. Accuracy shall be
equal to the datum used (second order for second order). Use local control and local TBM
only when design cost savings are absolutely critical.
NOTE: The acceptable conversion from NGVD29 to NGVD88 for all of Cherry Point is
-1.04 .
Horizontal and vertical control available:
Cherry Point (Horizontal = NAD83 and Vertical = NGVD29)
Bogue, Atlantic, BT11(Horizontal = NAD83 and Vertical = NGVD88)